Read Across America Week 2024

It’s Read Across America Week and we could not be more excited to share SuperCaptainBraveMan stories with you!

Read Across America Week is celebrated yearly on March 2nd through March 6th and begins on the birthday of author and cartoonist, Dr. Seuss. He wrote great children’s books that you may know, like The Grinch That Stole Christmas, Horton Hears a Who!, and The Cat in the Hat!

A special organization called The National Education Association (N.E.A.) encourages people everywhere to pick up a book and read, especially kids! There are so many great events and celebrations at this time in libraries, schools, and community centers!

The SuperCaptainBraveMan Team kicked off this great time of year at Lokrantz Elementary School in Los Angeles! We were invited to read our SuperCaptainBraveMan Books to the entire school at assembly.

We had a blast sharing SuperCaptainBraveMan’s stories and spreading our lesson about the Super Power of Kindness to all the kids and staff.

We hope you have a great Read Across America Week and you spend time with your friends and family reading amazing stories!

National Superhero Day at Fenton Primary School!

What makes a superhero? Is it the power to fly high? The ability to leap over buildings? Or is it catching the bad guy before dinner time? While we can all agree that these talents are super, we at SuperCaptainBraveMan believe that the one thing that makes a superhero is: Kindness!

On National Superhero Day, April 28th, the SuperCaptainBraveMan Team had the honor of visiting Fenton Primary Center School to read their TK through 2nd graders The Adventures of SuperCaptainBraveMan books! This fantastic event was our first live book reading since the COVID-19 lockdown!

We were so impressed with how well these little superheroes listened and participated in our SuperHero Storytime! All of these super kids wore their best superhero costumes. Thank you to Mrs. Salazar and the incredible staff and teachers at Fenton Primary School for welcoming us so warmly! You guys are the real Super Crew!

Thanks for allowing us to celebrate National Superhero Day with you all! We are so grateful to help kids unlock their superhero power of kindness!