Join SuperCaptainBraveMan at the Los Angeles Abilities Expo!

Hello, SuperCaptainBraveFans! We are a week away from the Los Angeles Abilities Expo which will take place at The Los Angeles Convention Center.

This trade event was launched in 1979 and has been America’s leading event for businesses to showcase their advancements in technology, products, and services that help aid and advance people with disabilities’ quality of life.

jenn, kyle and leah at last year’s abilities expo.

We believe that our mission at SuperCaptainBraveMan aligns perfectly with the values of the Abilities Expo. SuperCaptainBraveMan books provide kids with entertainment, representation, and a call to “Lead with Kindness.” We are so honored to be a part of this three-day event!

Catch us at booth 446 where you can purchase SuperCaptainBraveMan books, select merchandise, and meet Kyle and the rest of his Super Team.

The Abilities Expo is in Los Angeles, March 15-17 at the LA Convention Center, West Hall. Doors open at 11 am and admission is free! Just register before the event at

We can’t wait to see you there!

Real Life American Heroes, Women's History Month: Oprah Winfrey

There is so much to celebrate in the month of March! March is Women’s History Month, a time when we celebrate women and their many contributions to society. In 1980, President Jimmy Carter established National Women’s History Week which became Women’s History Month in 1987 when Congress passed a resolution to dedicate March to hold this special time!

So many fantastic women have created, contributed, and built America and we hope to highlight a few of them. The first blog in our Real Life American Heroes: Women’s History Month features an American Journalist, actress, host, and entrepreneur, Oprah Winfrey.

Oprah Winfrey was born in Mississippi on January 29, 1954. As a young girl, Oprah was known as a “gifted speaker,” by her grandmother who raised her. She was often praised by her church, school, and other groups as a natural presenter or someone who is especially skilled at public speaking. When Oprah was in high school, she won a speech contest that awarded her a full college scholarship to attend Tennessee State University.

Oprah found an interest in broadcast journalism or a career in producing and reporting news stories on TV or the radio. While she was in college in 1971, when she was only nineteen, Oprah was asked by news station Nashville-CBS to be their news anchor. A news anchor reports the news on TV. She made history in Tennessee as the first female African-American news anchor.

Oprah continued to work as a broadcast journalist and found the attention of a news station in Chicago, Illinois. In 1986 she led her first nationwide talk show, The Oprah Winfrey Show.

The Oprah Winfrey show was a huge success! She became one of the most famous people in America by interviewing actors, politicians, royals, and everyone in between. Oprah’s journalism knowledge helped her develop an original method of interviewing that became a blueprint for American morning talk shows.

Aside from her success as a talk show host, Oprah was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress in 1985 for her role in The Color Purple.

After the production of her talk show ended after 25 seasons, Oprah created her own television company called Oxygen Media. Oprah created a charity called the Angel Network which helps children and women through grants provided to non-profit organizations that can provide care.

Oprah continues to inspire women and people everywhere. She continues to be a strong advocate for so many and in September 2002, she was named the first recipient of The Academy of Television Art and Sciences’ Humanitarian Award. In 2010, Oprah received the Kennedy Center Honor for her contribution to art and culture and received the nation’s highest honor in 2013, The Presidential Medal, awarded to her by President Barack Obama.

Oprah has said, “The whole point of being alive is to evolve into the complete person you were intended to be.” She believes that no matter how old you are, you will never stop growing and learning. Oprah Winfrey is an amazing American Hero.

Thank you for joining us for another Real Life American Heroes blog post! Make sure you’re subscribed to our SuperCaptainBraveMan Super Blog Newsletter so you don’t miss a post during this exciting month. Happy Women’s History Month!


Read Across America Week 2024

It’s Read Across America Week and we could not be more excited to share SuperCaptainBraveMan stories with you!

Read Across America Week is celebrated yearly on March 2nd through March 6th and begins on the birthday of author and cartoonist, Dr. Seuss. He wrote great children’s books that you may know, like The Grinch That Stole Christmas, Horton Hears a Who!, and The Cat in the Hat!

A special organization called The National Education Association (N.E.A.) encourages people everywhere to pick up a book and read, especially kids! There are so many great events and celebrations at this time in libraries, schools, and community centers!

The SuperCaptainBraveMan Team kicked off this great time of year at Lokrantz Elementary School in Los Angeles! We were invited to read our SuperCaptainBraveMan Books to the entire school at assembly.

We had a blast sharing SuperCaptainBraveMan’s stories and spreading our lesson about the Super Power of Kindness to all the kids and staff.

We hope you have a great Read Across America Week and you spend time with your friends and family reading amazing stories!

Kindness: A Secret Super Power!

Superheroes like SuperCaptainBraveMan have extraordinary abilities! They can jump high, fly amongst birds, and lift the heaviest objects. But what if we told you that a secret Super Power exists in everyone? It's a simple power that all kids have and can use to save any day. Of course, we're talking about the Super Power of Kindness! While being Kind is an innate action, it is important to remind ourselves now and then to lead with Kindness.

Why is Kindness so important?

Fostering Kindness early in life is vital in raising empathetic and compassionate children. "Kindness helps children's mental health, their resilience, as well as their peak performance," educational psychologist and author of Thrivers: The Surprising Reasons Why Some Kids Struggle and Some Kids Shine, Michele Borba states. "Practicing empathy helps a child develop a kindness mindset. They say, 'I see myself as a kind person,' and then they're more likely to keep doing it."

What is the best way to encourage a Kindness Mindset?

Reading books with your child is a fantastic way to promote their Super Power of Kindness. Reading quality stories to children and analyzing character emotions in real-time can help foster empathy cognition. A simple question of, "What do you think this character is feeling right now?" promotes critical thinking and can develop empathetic thoughts that segue into leading with Kindness.

How can I create a kind environment?

The best way to create and maintain a kind environment is by example! Parents and caretakers are often a child's first teachers. Children can learn to lead with Kindness by employing empathy and compassion in daily interactions.

Another way is to validate a child's emotions. Even during a child's frustration or anger, an excellent method to steer back to Kindness is to talk your child through their frustration. "They also learn a key lesson," Borba says. "Compassion in action is one of the best ways to help another and yourself."

Kindness is a Super Power everyone possesses, and it can assemble bonds, leaders, and lessons essential to creating a better world. Children can share Kindness in so many different ways. Equipping them with healthy and positive Kindness Mindsets can help propel their confidence.

Share your Super Power of Kindness at every opportunity!

We found Michele Borba's book, Thrivers: The Surprising Reasons Why Some Kids Struggle and Some Kids Shine, a great resource.

SuperCaptainBraveMan Books are great stories to kick off conversations about Kindness! Check out our bundles by clicking the link!